Hangzhou Enters Tourism Peak Season(2)
- 杭州寫字樓網(wǎng)
- 2012/4/20 17:16:40
Botanical Garden
Every corner of the Botanical Garden has recently been a display of blossoms of cherries, peaches, plums, hall crab-apples, etc. Over 10,000 people times have been to the Botanical Garden during the Qingming Festival, but thanks to the huge space, it's not as crowded as other popular scenic spots. You are advised to take a tent with you to relax, picnic and enjoy spring there.
Hupao Park (Tiger Spring Park)
The green tea of this spring is available in the tea house in the Tiger Spring Park these days. You can bring a few empty bottles to fill up with Tiger Spring and brew your tea at home. Compared with the zoo next door, the Tiger Spring Park is relatively quiet and relaxing.
Jiangyangfan Park
You will see a lot of butterflies among native plants in this eco-park. In the reed pond you will find crabs, yabbies, turtles and cranes. There are six gazebos sitting on 5 green corridors for you to take a break. It's also boasting the most environmental-friendly toilets, one at the end of the hiking trail and another near the timber corridor. The roof top of the toilets is covered with grass. When you get in, you will realize the ceiling is hollow to provide natural lighting and great ventilation.
Mt. Jade Emperor
The cherry blossom in Mt. Jade Emperor always attracts a lot of local residents in springtime. With the fresh air and beautiful food, it's a popular get-away destination among local residents to avoid the overloading of tourists.
Bamboo-Lined Path at Yunqi
As a family friendly park, the Bamboo-Lined Path at Yunqi organized a lot of activities for children. With a dozen of tables in the tea house, you can spend a whole day with your family. Not far from here, you will see green tea plantation along the road, where tea farmers are busy picking up tea sprouts.You can bring your own food and have a picnic in the park, or just walk to the neighbouring Meijiawu Village, where you can enjoy local homemade foods insmall restaurants operated by the villagers. (Translated by E.C. Hick)
Ten Pop Words & Expressions This Week
櫻花(yīnghuā)cherry blossom
民辦小學(mínbàn xiǎoxué)private primary school
地溝油(dìgōu yóu)gutter oil
內(nèi)臟(nèizàng)internal organ
春游(chūnyóu)spring outing
清明團子(qīngmíng tuánzi)Qingming dumpling
明前茶(míngqián chá)pre-Qingming tea
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