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How We Celebrate CNY in Hangzhou

  • 杭州寫字樓網(wǎng)
  • 2013/2/22 8:55:55
導讀:   RainandSnowDominatesHangzhouonSpringFestival    Snowfallcanbeasdeepas15cm    春節(jié)期間杭州雨雪多    ReportedbyGuYi    FromyesterdayafternoonHangzhouisembracingacoldweatherwithrainandsnowinfluencedb

    Rain and Snow DominatesHangzhou on Spring Festival
    Snowfall can be as deep as 15cm
    Reported by Gu Yi

    From yesterday afternoon Hangzhou is embracing a cold weather with rain and snow influenced by a severe cold spell explained by the Director of Hangzhou Observatory. We’re informed that the snowfall can reach as deep as 15cm or over.

    From the afternoon of 7th Feb the rain turned to snow. The temperature dropped 6℃-8℃. On the morning of 8th -10th Feb the lowest temperature will go down to -1℃ to -2℃ in the city and -3℃ to -5℃ in hills areas with frost.

    The snow will gradually stop on 9th and 10th. Lingering rain is to be expected from 11th to 15th with a slowing rising temperature. As 9th Feb is the new year’s eve it seems not a good weather for moving around. Please arrange your travel plans in advance.

    As the cold spell is dominating the whole mid-east of China at the peak season of transportation before the New Year, the journey going home can be accompanied by wind, rain or snow. You’re advised to pay special attention to the safety on road especially if you choose to drive via the express way.(Translated by E.C.Hick)

    How We Celebrate CNY in Hangzhou

    Food, without doubt, is the major part of celebrating CNY. On the 8th Day of the 12th Lunar Month, traditionally known as Laba Day, it’s a tradition to prepare Laba porridge with walnuts, pine nuts, lotus seeds, Chinese dates, dried longan and lychee etc. The 24th Day of the 12th Lunar Month, nick-named small year, plays a role of dressing rehearsal of the big year, which is the proper New Year’s Eve for Chinese.

    Coming after food, a grand cleaning of the house is another job on the to-do list before the New Year. It’s believed that getting rid of all the old and dusty stuff will bring good luck in the New Year.

    On the New Year’s Eve when every member of the family is seated around the table for the huge dinner, the official celebration of the New Year starts. It’s a tradition to prepare a few auspicious dishes like fish balls and meat balls meaning reunion. In recent years it’s a trend for locals to book a dinner in a restaurant for its convenience and ambience.

    Lucky money in red envelops is something unforgettable for both adults and kids. These red envelops will be kept under the pillow for kids to sleep with to wish for the good luck in the coming year.

    On the first day of the New Year the first thing we do is to set off fire crackers and pay pilgrimage to the Buddha, ancestors, God of Kitchen etc. After that we pay visits to our relatives and friends till the 15th day, a.k.a the Lantern Day hat declares the closure of New Year celebrations.

    Apart from the fire crackers, there are some other noisy but happy ways of celebration such as playing drums and dragon dance. It was believed by our ancestors that the monster called “Nian” meaning New Year would be scared away by the noise. However in nowadays there are more entertaining ways to spend the long holidays. Taking kids to fun parks and museums are popular family activities. Others will go on a vacation overseas like a warm island in Southeast Asia and enjoy a few days of sunshine. (Translated by E.C.Hick)

    Top Ten Pop Words & Expressions This Week

    年終獎(nián zhōng jiǎng) year-end bonus
    年夜飯(nián yè fàn) family reunion dinner
    壓歲錢(yā suì qián) lucky money in red envelops
    煙花(yān huā) fireworks
    春晚(chūn wǎn) Spring Festival gala show
    油品升級(yóu pǐn shēng jí) petrol quality upgrade
    “光盤”行動(guāng pán xíng dòng) "Clear your plate" campaign
    收入分配(shōu rù fēn pèi) income distribution
    同性婚姻(tóng xìng hūn yīn) same-sex marriage
    家暴(jiā bào) domestic violence

關(guān)鍵詞:Hangzhou New Year customs,Spring Festival
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