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The worlds first solar taxi appeared in Hangzhou

  • 杭州寫字樓網(wǎng)
  • 2008/5/22 15:55:00
導讀:On the evening of May 6th, the Switzer Louis Parma drove his solar taxi to Hangzhou, the fourth stop of his global traveling. 

    On the evening of May 6th, the Switzer Louis Parma drove his "solar taxi" to Hangzhou, the fourth stop of his global traveling. Parma drove around Hangzhou with the reporter to publicize environmental protection and energy conservation last afternoon, which attracted many drivers and passengers, who all stopped by to take pictures with the taxi.

    Parma's "solar taxi" is the world's first solar-powered transportation tool to travel around the world. It was researched and designed by four universities of technology in Switzerland. The car is equipped with solar battery chips with high performance which generate 50% of the power, and the left 50% is complemented at solar power stations. 

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  • 來源:杭州網(wǎng)
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